Monday, June 30, 2008

Dusting the Cobwebs

While my personal news last week was not good I'm continuing on with my 3D endeavours. They're therapuetic in themselves. It's going to be difficult to plan ahead at times.

My focus is on finishing the Sopwith Snipe for FSX which is in the middle of texture and material development stage.

I have had 3 weeks away from the Snipe to finish water and terrain mesh for the CFS3 ETO enhancement project. It's completed to the stage that the team can assess its worth with respect to the work involved in correcting the GSL to align with the terrain. Most of the work has been on creating water meshes much of which has to be hand edited. Most of the data in stock CFS3 is out of alignment with the SRTM data by a 100+ meters or so. The team are voting on it and I await their verdict. LOL..... I now know how politicians feel ;) A 'no' verdict will free me up to work on aircraft, though I will be dabbling in CFS3 scenery on a personal level, especially after radio therapy and surgery in the coming months.

The other aircraft I will be resuming is the F6F-3. It was originally intended for a Marianas theatre I was experimenting with for CFS3. It was put aside last year so that I could focus on WW1 aviation and also to accomodate surgery and recovery. It has always been planned to resume serious work on this aircraft in July 2008. The only thing that may change is the initial intended target platform which was CFS3. This may change to FSX as the initial platform target. However it depends on the amount of work involved. I've yet to set up material properties for the F6F-3. We'll see how things go ...... hopefully both platforms, but probably my last CFS3 aircraft even if I do.

EDIT: PS - With the advent of Realflight's F6F-3 and other priorities I've slowed up on work on the revised F6F-3. I hope to eventually complete at least one WW2 freeware aircraft however any decision will be after October 2008 ... maybe much later).

